We have collected all the knowledge and experience over many years of the work in the field of sustainable development, green inclusive growth, management of environmental risks, increasing the resilience of businesses, territories, cities and settlements.
Trainings, courses and webinars
We have combined the latest technologies of vocational training with the accumulated knowledge in the field of economics of nature management, environmental management, sustainable development, environmental planning, evaluation of natural capital.
We monitor and constantly improve the terminology used for describing the present situation and dynamics of the development of complex ecological and economic interactions.
Development of a software for dealing with odors complaints
Based on meteorological data, health risk assessment methodology and cartography, we developed a software which allows to record odors complaints, analyze the risks of their occurrence and substantiate answers to them. The software increases the speed of response to public complaints and creates a reputation for environmentally and socially responsible enterprise.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment - Compliance or New Opportunities?
Greenhouse gas emissions were assessed in accordance with Russian and international methodologies for Scope 1, 2 and 3 - along the entire value chain. Based on the data received, we prepared CDP report and uploaded it on the platform. This not only contributed to better management of greenhouse gas emissions in the company, but also improved its climate rating.