Institute for Sustainable Innovation
We share unique knowledge for implementation of ideas of sustainable development

We carry out

Own unique database content
Over the years of work in the field of sustainable development, green inclusive growth, risk management, increasing the resilience of business, territories, cities, towns and settlements, we have accumulated a large amount of useful and often unique knowledge about these processes. We are happy to share them with our customers and partners, as well as with all those who strive to develop in this direction.
Trainings. Courses. Thematic webinars
We develop online courses, which are more effective than classical teaching methods, and bring them to market of education. On the basis of 25 year experience, we have combined the accumulated knowledge in the field of environmental economics, environmental management, risk management, sustainable development, environmental planning and natural capital evaluation with the latest technologies of vocational training.
Glossary of terms in the field of environmental management and sustainable development
We are constantly improving the terminology describing the state and dynamics of the development of complex ecological and economic interactions.


Our experts took part in the 51st scientific expedition of the Baltic Federal University and the Institute of Oceanology of the RAS
The expedition included works at the offshore site of the carbonic polygon of the Baltic Federal University.
The new accounting system will allow to revaluate nature for the economy
The GDP will be replaced by a new accounting system that integrates natural capital into economic reporting (SEEA - Ecosystem Accounting).

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