Institute for Sustainable Innovation


Fomenko G.A., Fomenko M.A., Mikhailova A.V.
Yaroslavl, 2006. 132 р.
This publication shows the results of the project "Economic Assessment of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services as the Basis for Rational Management of Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation (on the Example of the Sochi National Park)." It is aimed at improving the management of the Sochi National Park and the creation of appropriate information and analytical support.
Fomenko G.A., Fomenko M.A., Mikhailova A.V.
Yaroslavl, 2006. 114 р.
The book contains the results of work on the topic "Development of a mechanism for the conservation of biodiversity in the national park on the basis of economic assessment of natural resources", implemented with the support of the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of nature management (Rosprirodnadzor) in the national park "Pleshcheyevo Lake" and aimed at improving the efficiency of biodiversity conservation."
Fomenko G.A., Fomenko M.A., Terentyev A.A. et al.
Yaroslavl, 2005. 62 р.
The local action plan for the protection of the environment and sustainable development of the Pervomaisky municipal district is based on the experience in the preparation and implementation of municipal programs and decisions of local government aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of natural resources developed in accordance with the current regulatory and legal documents of local government and taking into account the main provisions of administrative reforms in the natural resource sector.
Fomenko G.A.
Moscow: Nauka, 2004. 390 р.
The book is devoted to the problems of human involvement in environmental management. It includes the basics of the sociocultural methodology for the management, as well as the most important areas of its practical implementation.
Ed. Fomenko G.A.
Yaroslavl, 2004. 238 р.
The questions raised in the monograph are devoted to stimulating innovation and forming the national innovation system of Russia in relation to the natural resource complex.
Sc. Ed. G.A. Fomenko
Yaroslavl, 2003. 344 р.
The collection of articles is devoted to the spread of innovations in the sector of rational environmental management and environmental protection.
Fomenko G.A., Fomenko M.A., Loshadkin K.A., Zharinova N.V., Mikhailova A.V., Shvets A.A. , Morozov V.Yu., Aleksandrova L.N.
Yaroslavl, 2003. 64 р.
The monograph reveals the process of introducing innovative approaches into the environmental management stage-by-stage aimed at identifying and preventing resource use crises in local areas.
Fomenko G.A., Fomenko M.A. , Loshadkin K.A., Zharinova N.V., Mikhaylova A.V., Shvets A.A., Tsibulnikova M.R.
Yaroslavl, 2003. 92 р.
The monograph shows how in practice innovative approaches are introduced in the sphere of environmental management of objective-oriented distribution of income from the use of natural resources of the territory that is shared by different social groups.
Fomenko G.A., Fomenko M.A., Loshadkin K.A., Zharinova N.V., Mikhailova A.V., Shvets A.A., Teplyakov G.N., Rylkov O.V., Popov V.D.
Yaroslavl, 2003. 84 р.
The monograph is a practical guide for the conservation and development of specially protected natural areas in conditions of limited budget financing.

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