Institute for Sustainable Innovation


Scientific ed. Fomenko G.
Yaroslavl, 2019. 232 p.
This Report focuses on a risk-based approach to environmental regulation, which involves reducing health and environmental risks by increasing control in high-risk areas. This allows timely taking the necessary measures and largely saving resources.
Fomenko G., Fomenko М., Loshadkin К., Mikhailova А., Arabova Е.
Costa Rica: Institute for Sustainable Innovation, 2019. 394 p.
The monograph considers the development of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) that enables analysis of the interaction between the economy and the environment at different levels of territorial organization.
Fomenko G., Fomenko М., Loshadkin К.
Yaroslavl, 2018. 150 p.
The materials of the monograph, conclusions and comments show the possibility and effectiveness of the implementation of the ecosystem approach in strategic spatial planning, in procedures for strategic environmental assessment, in making tactical and strategic decisions.
Fomenko G., Fomenko M.
Costa Rica: Institute for Sustainable Innovation, 2018. 280 р.
This book summarizes the experience of applying a sociocultural methodology of environmental management at various levels of territorial organization (local, regional, Russian administrative regions, federal and national) in Russia.
The idea and Ed. Fomenko G.; authors of articles Luzanova А., Fomenko G.; photo Fomenko G., Fomenko М.
Yaroslavl, 2017. 76 р.
Illustrated book  provides information about ten specially protected areas of the Yaroslavl region - natural and man-made.
Fomenko G.
Costa Rica: Institute for Sustainable Innovation, 2017. 311 р.
A socio-cultural methodology uses a special range of tools to prevent conflicts between the imported, unified environmental institutions typical of the world economy and the socio-culturally determined institutions that have emerged during the evolution of traditional, long-standing relationships between humans and nature.
Fomenko G., Fomenko M., Loshadkin K., Arabova E.
Yaroslavl, 2016. 232 р.
Methodological recommendations on economic assessment of forest and hunting resources (as non-cultivated biological resources) were developed within the framework of the execution of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.10.2012 №1911-р and according to theoretical approaches SNA-2008 and SEEA-2012 to assessment of non-cultivated biological resources and reflection of obtained indicators in relevant accounts of assets and operations with them.
Scient. ed. Fomenko G.
Yaroslavl, 2015. 50 р.
The most important role in reaching the objectives of sustainable development belongs to natural-historical complexes having the Name and spiritual importance.
Scient. ed. Fomenko G.
Yaroslavl, 2015. 154 р.
«Environmental Atlas of Yaroslavl region», published for the first time, represents integrated scientific-referential collection of information and data that demonstrate environmental condition of the region and measures on its improvement.

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