Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Economic Value of Natural Carital and Strategic Environmental Assessment. A Coal-Mining Region

Fomenko G., Fomenko М., Loshadkin К.
Yaroslavl, 2018. 150 p.
   Creation of effective environmental management system, aimed at implementation of sustainable development goals, involves development of approaches to strategic spatial planning and strategic environmental assessment that requires relevant information support based on the ecosystem approach. This is one of the most important and complicated challenges of the modern time as it deals with the problem of measurement of new development models in conditions of accelerated technological transition and industrial revolution.
   The materials of the monograph*, conclusions and comments show the possibility and effectiveness of the implementation of the ecosystem approach in strategic spatial planning, in procedures for strategic environmental assessment, in making tactical and strategic decisions. This approach is particularly relevant for areas where natural resources extraction determines the economy, where established complex human-nature systems require special attention to the protection of landscapes, conservation and restoration of ecosystems, primarily for those of them that form the basis of households. Expanding the range of identified and evaluated (in physical and monetary terms) ecosystem services, primarily provided by intact ecosystems, increases experts awareness, expands the choice of well-balanced land use decisions on a sustainable basis, supporting long-term orientation of the actions of local authorities and ensuring public recognition.
   The book is of particular interest for experts in environmental management, environmental conservation, state and local government representatives as well as for everyone interested in environmental conservation.

* This is an abstract of the book, for access to the full version, please contact us by e-mail: