Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Monetary Evaluation of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services in Territorial Development: Adaptation of the UN Methodological Approaches to the Conditions of Russia (Scientific and Practical Recommendations)

Fomenko G.A., Fomenko M.A., Loshadkin K.A.
Yaroslavl, 2000. 128 р.
The book contains recommendations on the monetary evaluation of natural resources and ecosystem services, adapted to the conditions of Russia in accordance with the UN methodological approaches, and practical examples of the use of the recommendations in the practice of environmental management. It allows the reader to obtain theoretical knowledge and master practical skills in the monetary evaluation of natural resources and use the results obtained in various managerial situations - from solving specific environmental problems to analyzing territorial development. The book is of interest for specialists in the field of environmental management, social and economic geography, as well as for teachers, postgraduates and university students.

Key words: environmental management, natural resources, monetary evaluation of resources and environmental objects, UN environmental and economic accounting, environmental and economic accounting system, SEEA.