Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Rational Water Use and Protection in Industries: a Manual

Kashenkov Yu.S., Fomenko M.A., Ladygina O.V., Mikhailova A.V., Goge E.A.
Yaroslavl: YSTU, 2015. 139 р.

The practical manual*, taking into account the recent changes in Russian legislation and the world trends, addresses issues of regulatory support for activities in the field of rational use and protection of water resources. The book reveals the nuances of legislative support of activities in the field of rational use and protection of water resources, shows the principles of rationing discharges of substances and microorganisms into water bodies for water users and subscribers of water drainage organizations, provides examples of determining the size of sanitary protection zones of water supply sources and the amount of damage caused to water due to violation of water legislation. The manual is intended for classroom and independent work of students and undergraduates of the program "Environmental management and water use".

Key words: rational environmental management, water resources, water use, water supply, protection of water resources, sanitary protection zones, amount of harm, water legislation.

* This is an abstract of the book, for access to the full version, please contact us by e-mail: