Our experts made a presentation at a meeting of the Rosstat Scientific and Methodological Council, which addressed issues of environmental-economic accounting
At the meeting Marina Fomenko, PhD, Assoc. presented the report "Methodological recommendations (roadmap) on the implementation of priority accounts of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) in Russia" based on the results of studies carried out by the organization. The roadmap was developed with the aim to introduce the international standard SEEA into the statistical practice of the Russian Federation and formalize the process of consistent compilation and development of SEEA accounts by preparation of a set of measures for legal support, the development of methodological recommendations and the preparation of official statistical information. Methodological approaches to the compilation of environmental-economic accounts were prepared for three areas: (1) physical flow accounts, (2) environmental activity accounts, (3) asset accounts.
The implementation of the roadmap will allow to fulfill the Order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2019 “On the development of an action plan (roadmap) for the implementation of priority accounts of the system of environmental-economic accounting” and to make the official statistics consistent with international standards. This will ensure the step-by-step implementation of SEEA priority accounts in statistical practice until 2024 and the provision of official statistical information necessary to fill in the UN global database on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For the Russian Federation, whih economy is based on the natural resources, the introduction of a system of environmental-economic accounting is a necessary element in the development of state statistics and information support for government in the field of environmental management and environmental protection.