Institute for Sustainable Innovation



Fight against the COVID-19 virus. While the authorities are taking strict measures to fight the new threat, we have revised key aspects of doing business and switched to remote work

We have been preparing for the transition to remote work in advance, when people have just started talking about problems with the virus, so our team is both psychologically and functionally ready for changes. We’ve switched to remote work quickly without violating the main business processes, since the structure of our company is quite flexible and mobile in making decisions, including such external force majeure circumstances. Daily online meetings of all employees, the use of communication tools, trained personnel, effective process management, psychological trainings, as well as technical support (high-capacity servers, newest special software, computers and laptops) have made it possible to quickly establish network work remotely without disrupting work processes. 

Each of our employees is 100% ready to work, the remote network mode does not affect the speed of solving problems - the team adopted the new rules of the game without any hesitation. We are planning to work remotely as long as it’s necessary. We’ve suspended business trips, transferred meetings with customers and negotiations with partners online via video and audio conference calls. We are sure that our clients do not feel the changes, as all our services are available and operate without any restrictions. The main office phone is operating; we can receive e-mails with no changes. 

In our work we use cloud services that do not require a physical presence of our employees in the office to complete tasks. Corporate data protection is ensured by the use of specialized products, the level of data security does not depend on where the employees work, in the office or at home. We use modern digital tools: instant messengers, corporate mobile applications and platforms, and much more. We solve all working issues in Slack, and we also use Skype and Zoom for calls. We have used these tools before, so there are no difficulties in communication. In our case, the business processes are only accelerating under the circumstances. In addition, we are actively engaged in the development of new working processes: we conduct online trainings for staff, learn time management skills. 

Our technical department has shown to be very reliable, it is always in touch and ready to assist in our work. They’ve managed to adapt the internal processes to remote work on an urgent basis. 

We do our best not to slow down the pace of work. Project managers daily check the status of tasks for current projects, compile schedules for online meetings, brainstorming via Skype and Zoom. We have all possibilities to held remote meetings with clients as necessary. 

If you need help organizing the transition to remote work, we, together with the consulting companies Strategy DNA and Institute for Sustainable Innovation (ISI), provide a service for training personnel and transferring production processes to remote access. We will help you to successfully rebuild business processes in the shortest possible time, establish effective communications and technological support for the functioning of the company, and teach you how to provide the necessary psychological support to employees during this difficult time. 

We assume that coronavirus hit many very painfully, but became a trigger for digitalization and network transformations. We understand that in these difficult conditions, many companies have encountered difficulties, but the only way out of the situation is to accept changes and look for new advantages and opportunities. And even though we are unable to affect dramatically what is happening, we can do our best working efficiently, complying with project deadlines, and being always in touch with our clients. Let's look together for new horizons in today's unstable world and new opportunities for growth!

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