Institute for Sustainable Innovation


Tatarinov A., Fomenko G., Fomenko M.
Published: Voprosy statistiki. 2018. 25(3). 68-78.
The paper is based on the results of the Joint OECD/UNECE Seminar on Implementation of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) which was held in Geneva on February 21-22, 2018. The authors - the seminar participants, presented brief overview of the seminar agenda, its goals and objectives, and outlined the contents of their presentations on the current condition and prospects of introducing the SEEA into the Russian Federation official statistics.
Fomenko G., Kashenkov Y., Ignatev A.
Published: Technosphere safety as a complex scientific and educational major problem: materials of the All-Russian Conference (St. Petersburg, 4–6 October 2018). St. Petersburg: Publishing House Polytechnic. University, 2018. 166-172.
The article describes the success of implementation of education for sustainable development within the Master degree programs “Environmental Management and Water Use” and “Civil engineering” in Yaroslavl State Technical University.
Fomenko G., Fomenko М.
Published: Problems of regional ecology. 2018. №5. 154-163.
Now, in the modern time of unexpected stresses and shocks, when present economic structures, culture and social systems, polarization and pulsation of socio-economic space are changing fundamentally, society has to assess the taken measures more in terms of acceptable level of risk.
Fomenko G., Fomenko M.
Publisher: Voprosy Geografii. (2017). № 143 Geographical Bases of the Management of Protected Areas, 171-191.
The widespread adoption of sustainable development practices has affected the fundamental understanding of conservation and use of protected areas (PAs), placing the emphasis on the issue of increasing interest of local communities and businesses in conservation of such areas, which is essential for their integration into socio-economic development.
Fomenko G., Fomenko M., Terentev A., Arabova E.
Published: Problems of regional ecology. (2016). №5, 131-139.
The beginning transition of developing countries to inclusive green growth requires new standards of informational and analytical support of environmental management.
Fomenko G.
Published: Problems of Regional Ecology. (2016). № 6, 78-90.
The article discusses the mechanism of Strategic Environmental Assessment, which is a step by step process of analysis and discussion of the possible environmental impacts of a proposed state and municipal development strategies, plans and programs.
Fomenko G., Fomenko M., Добрњац С., Дејановић М.В., Вујатовић С.
Published: XII међународна научно-стручна конференција «Савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству»: Зборник радова (Бања Лука, 7-8. децембар 2016)
Рад је почетни корак у циљу заштите и очувања природног комплекса „Кедрова шума Толгског манастира“, објекта који, сједињујући дух и природу, формира доминанту развоја Јарослава, чува и развија традицију патриотизма и брижљивог односа према околини.
Fomenko G., Borodkin A.
Published: Problems of Regional Ecology. (2016). №1, 66-75.
The article shows the role of integrated risk and health risks in terms of growth of risk- taking in the transition to the new economy.
Fomenko G.
Published: Earth Charter - a Practical Tool for Solving Fundamental Problems of Sustainable Development: Collection. International conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the implementation of the principles of the Earth Charter in the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, October 27-28, 2016). Kazan: Tatarstan Book Publishing house. (2016). 63-69.
The article shows the importance of harmonization of target priorities of the development of the country and its regions with the New Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals .

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