Fomenko G.A., Terentyev A.A., Fomenko M.A., Mikhailova A.V., Tarkhov S.V. et al
Yaroslavl, 2007. 70 р.
The Action Plan for Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development of the Kostomuksha City District for 2008-2012 is aimed at stimulating the sustainable development of the district as a result of improving the environment, organizing efficient use of natural resources and, on this basis, ensuring the investment attractiveness of the economy and improving the quality of life. It is based on actions to address priority problems in the field of environmental protection and environmental management, identified with the participation of representatives of the administration, leading enterprises and companies of the city, representatives of the public and other stakeholders.
Key words: Republic of Karelia, Kostomuksha city district, sustainable development, environmental protection, rational environmental management, environmental action plan, program-oriented planning.