Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Project on inventory of greenhouse gas emissions

The project for one of the largest seaports in the North-West of Russia included: 

- inventory of sources of greenhouse gas emissions,
- calculation of greenhouse gas emissions for the required period (by sources, categories, sites and for the whole enterprise),
- development of the work schedule for the quantitative assessment of greenhouse gas emissions,
- preparation of a plan for monitoring greenhouse gas emissions,
- drawing up a calculation model for assessment of greenhouse gas emissions. 

All work follows the requirements of the Guidelines for the quantitative assessment of greenhouse gas emissions by organizations engaged in economic and other activities in the Russian Federation, approved by Order No. 300 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation of 30.06.2015. 

The developed project contributed to the establishment of an emissions management system in the company, which allowed not only to carry out an inventory of greenhouse gases, but also to implement plans aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing their absorption at all stages of the organization's operation.

   Морской торговый порт.jpg