Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Report on the State of Environment and Environmental Protection of the Yaroslavl Region

Annually since 2011 we have been preparing reports on the state and environmental protection of the Yaroslavl region, commissioned by the Department of Environmental Management and Protection of the Yaroslavl Region, according to the requirements of Government Resolution No. 966 of September 24, 2012 “On the preparation and distribution of the annual state report on the state of environment and environmental protection.”

The report is a document containing systematized set of analytical information on the state of the environment, such us components of the natural environment, natural ecological systems; of the ongoing processes and phenomena; the results of assessing changes in the state of the environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. It is developed to ensure the realization of citizens' rights to reliable information on the state of the environment, and also to provide informational support of the activities of the public authorities of the Yaroslavl region, local bodies of federal government agencies, local self-government bodies, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, legal persons and individuals , aimed at preservation and restoration of the natural environment, rational management and reproduction of natural resources, prevention of negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment and mitigation of the consequences.

The report is the basis for the state policy-making and implementing in the field of environmental development of the Yaroslavl region, determining priority areas for the activities of public authorities in this area, and developing measures aimed at preventing and reducing the negative impact on the environment.

More information can be obtained in the State of the Environment and Protection of the Environment of the Yaroslavl Region in 2013, the State of the Environment and the Protection of the Environment of the Yaroslavl Region in 2012, the State of the Environment Report and the Environmental Protection of the Yaroslavl Region in 2011.