Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Green Danilov: Town for Women and Children

This target program was developed by a group of Russian and German experts in accordance with the Action Plan of the Administration of the Danilov Municipal District of the Yaroslavl Region on the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection, taking into account the real social and economic situation.

For the historical Danilov this program is extremely important, because the urban environment, which was unattractive for people living and didn’t take into account the needs of the most vulnerable social groups, contributed to unemployment problems, rising criminal rate, lack of a tourism etc.

During the development of the program, the focus was on reasonable and feasible projects, due to which it became possible to create an attractive and comfortable image of a provincial town. This contributed to mitigating the negative effects of the economic crisis for the most environmentally vulnerable social groups - women and children.

At the heart of the program is the idea of ​​"green strategy" that is so unpopular among executives in the crisis phase. The experience of countries that have successfully overcome the crisis has convinced us that people's efforts to break the deadlock should be accompanied by a feeling that the environment is becoming more positive. Work on greening and general improvement of streets is suited for this purpose like nothing else. Usually it does not require high professional qualifications and can be performed by unemployed citizens. Therefore such activities in Danilov in the context of the social and economic crisis were one of the solutions to the problem of unemployment, especially among youth.

We carried out an examination of the state of the environment, positive sides and problem areas of the town, a special survey and mapping of children's leisure facilities, we proposed appropriate short- and long-term measures to improve residential areas, summarized the opinions of experts of the municipal district on the problem of greening and ways to solve it.

After the implementation of the project, the psychological climate of the town began to improve, Danilov became more comfortable, modern and convenient for life.