Our unique experience in the collection, processing, synthesis and analysis of departmental and statistical information on environmental protection and the use of natural resources, possession of modern methods of interpretation, visualization and presentation of information allow us to prepare the best possible report on environmental protection. Our approach to the development of ecological atlases of territories is based on the recommendations of the European Commission of the United Nations and consists in the application of the analytical model DPSIR (driving forces-pressure-state-impact-response). Applying the latest information technologies, we use the development of ecological atlases to map changes over time. This allows us to assess the environmental situation on the territory, to show the nature and extent of existing environmental problems, their dynamics under the influence of various factors, to reveal the system of environmental measures.
The team of the Resources and Consulting group of companies has experience in the development of the Report on the State of the Environment and Environmental Protection of the Yaroslavl Region in 2014 (this report focuses on the state of the region's water environment), in 2013 (emphasis is on the state of the region's air environment), in 2012 (emphasis is on the problem of production and consumption waste), in 2011 (emphasis is on sustainable development of the region).