Non-financial reporting is a corporate management tool that improves its quality and systematizes the achievements of the enterprise in the non-financial sector (environmental, social and other programs and initiatives). Such reporting makes it possible to demonstrate the company's commitment to the principles of sustainable development and provide significant information on environmental, social activities for stakeholders.
For more than 8 years we have been developing non-financial reports for enterprises and companies in accordance with international standards GRI, CDP, IIRC, SASB, UNCTAD, etc., we are closely cooperating with consultants of a high international level specializing in corporate reporting. Based on the activities of the company, we are developing an easily understood, reliable, balanced document with a description of the main aspects of the company and the achievements related to the sustainable business development.
Our experts have significant experience and capacity to prepare non-financial reporting in accordance with international standards and best practices. We are convinced that many years of successful experience and an ever-growing customer base have proven the practical effectiveness and advantages of our approach to theimplementation of such projects.
Our services include:
preparation of integrated non-financial annual reports
preparation of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Reports on current environmental, social, economic and management activities
company carbon footprint disclosure
reports on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
collection and aggregation of non-financial data for the preparation of management reporting and reports for the board of directors.
We prepare non-financial reports in close cooperation with you: we agree on the concept of the report, identify significant topics, collect internal information from the company and analyze it, and on this basis we generate reports. Our customers note that corporate reports helped to give a clear and realistic vision of the existing picture of risks and ways to overcome them, attract new investors, strengthen reputation and the brand and demonstrate leadership.