Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Environmental strategy of Yaroslavl region

The project "Environmental Strategy of Territory Development, Environmental Conservation and Natural Resource Management in the Yaroslavl Region" was developed to address the problems of improving the population quality of life and implementing of the objectives of sustainable growth in the region.

The innovative product defines strategic goals and performance indicators in the region on environmental conservation and natural resource management for a long-term period. With consideration for the objective impacts it includes elaborated mechanisms and a system of managing activities for achieving the goals.

The Yaroslavl region is determined in the Environmental Strategy as a developed industrial region, in which industrial-type production prevails, and the indicators of the population quality of life are at the level of the average Russian. Features of the environmental situation in the Yaroslavl region are largely resulted from its historically established traditions and modern trends in economic sphere. The current stage of the region's development is undoubtedly influenced by the dynamism of the socio-economic and geopolitical processes taking place in the world, in which modern productions and technologies and growing climate imbalance change the old environmental problems and create new ones.

The priorities of the Environmental Strategy are the principles of green economy: increasing the economic value of natural resources and complexes, reducing the environmental vulnerability of cities and the environmental and social vulnerability of rural settlements, increasing their resilience. The tasks to reduce environmental risks to health, the sustainable use of energy resources and the preservation and restoration of the natural and cultural heritage are particularly important.

The mechanisms for implementing these tasks are represented in the form of government regulation methods, in accordance with the current regulatory and legislative requirements, taking into account the best Russian and foreign practices.

It is also important to note that the implementation of the Environmental Strategy which is a comprehensive document on sustainable development in the Yaroslavl region expects well-coordinated work of the regional government and local self-government bodies, as well as participants of strategic planning, in achieving the established targeted priorities for the conservation of the environment and the management of the region's natural resources.

Assessment of the condition and development trends in the sphere of environmental protection and natural resource management in the Yaroslavl region is set out in the document in accordance with the main natural and anthropogenic factors that affect it. All major environmental problems to be addressed in the Environmental Strategy are taken into account.

It is no accident that this intellectual product is included in the system of documents of the governmental strategic management of the Yaroslavl region, which determine the priorities and directions of the development of the region. The ecological strategy of green growth supports a systematic approach to solving environmental problems in the region, active integration with strategic planning documents of the Yaroslavl region and the Russian Federation. That’s why it is so universally important.