Institute for Sustainable Innovation



Representatives of the group of companies joined the working group of the Department of Environmental Protection and Environmental Management of the Yaroslavl Region on the development of ecological tourism in the region

The first meeting of the working group was devoted to discussing the prospects for the development of ecological tourism in the region, based on an analysis of the information on the projects being implemented and the available experience in this area. Our experts gave a report "Proposals for the development of a system of specially protected areas in the Yaroslavl region for the purposes of ecological tourism"which defined the prospects for the development of this type of tourism in the Yaroslavl region. Our specialists warned about the negative effects of uncontrolled development of ecological tourism, described the main approaches to managing the system of specially protected areas, priority measures for the development of the system of specially protected areas in the Yaroslavl region for the purposes of ecological tourism and showed the effect of these measures.


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