Our employees took part in the meeting of the technical committee for standardization TK-409 "Environmental Protection"
The topic of the meeting was the improvement of environmental standardization. The meeting was devoted to the main problems in the preparation of national standards. In particular, the participants discussed differences in terms and definitions, the need to make relevant changes to standards, the contradictions in existing standards, the need to prepare standards for each manufacturing instruction.
Our experts brought up the question of improvement the classification system: it is necessary to develop and approve the Classification of Environmental Protection Activities. The Classification is needed for the reliable accounting of the environmental expenditures by the state and businesses, for correct international comparisons and ful reflection of the country's efforts to protect the environment.
This Classification should correspond to the environmental protection in the country, and be harmonized with such international classifications as CEPA (Classification of Environmental Protection Activities, 2000) and CReMA (Classification of Resource Management Activities, 2008).