Institute for Sustainable Innovation

Climate Strategy Opens Up New Markets and Raises Ratings


A large Russian company with significant greenhouse gas emissions is engaged in the extraction and processing of raw mineral resources and the production of its own products. The company's production assets and infrastructure are affected by climate change with its facilities located in many regions of Russia, including in the Arctic zone. It is under pressure from international and national climate regulators, as it supplies its products to many foreign countries.


The company exports its products, so the tightening of national and international regulations is leading to financial losses and reductions in its market access. Thus, a big problem is presented by the  «Green Deal Initiative», which prohibits the supply of goods to Europe with high emissions during their production and consumption⁠.

Investors and buyers alike are interested in the company's climate-related activities, neglect of which threatens its climate rating. The company needs a systematic climate policy document that will allow it to take on commitments to reduce climate impact and consistently implement them.. Such a document ensures the sustainability of the company in the long term.

 The management turned to us for help, since we have experience in: developing effective strategic documents, the most realistic goals, involvement in business processes and financial planning and end-to-end systems of indicators for assessing the achievement of results. We have developed strategic documents in the field of environmental protection and “Green” economy for the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, Rosstat and for regional and municipal authorities.


Technological processes at the enterprises of the company are characterized as difficult and complicated. It has complex logistics schemes and an extensive network of suppliers and buyers. Such a large production body is subject to serious climatic requirements from international organizations such as: the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP (CarbonDisclosureProject); TCFD (TaskForceonClimate-relatedFinancialDisclosures); SBTi (TheScienceBasedTargetsinitiative) and more.).

Мы учли все эти факторы. We took all these factors into account. Thanks to the knowledge of the specifics of production, understanding of the company's business processes, awareness of all the requirements of international organizations and interaction with international experts, we completed the work on time and at a very high level of expertise.

The process of developing the Climate Strategy consisted of several stages and covered all climatic aspects (physical and transitional) activities of the company in its main areas (societal, personnel related, production, operational, regulatory, financial and reputational).

As a result, the company's climate strategy was developed as a cross-section document of strategic planning and operational management. It covers a wide range of the most significant aspects of the company's climate policy including:

– Setting targets for GHG emissions (own and along the value chain) and measures to achieve them;

– A system of strategic measures to minimize climate risks and use emerging climatic opportunities in the short, medium and long term;

– Future planning for the development and implementation of measures to integrate climate aspects into the financial planning and management processes of the company.


  • The company received a ready-to-use document, namely a climate strategy. It was approved by the governing bodies of the company and is being introduced into the company’s strategic planning system. The identified climatic risks are included in the overall risk management system, which has increased the efficiency of the company in the face of increasing climate change.

  • Problems with export restrictions are being resolved. Management has received working tools to meet the challenges of cross-border carbon regulation. Detailed emission inventories and scientifically based GHG targets will help prepare for possible export restrictions.

  • The image of a responsible business is strengthened.The company has increased its rating in the CDP and in other rating systems. The publication of information on the application of the greenhouse gas emission management system and the implementation of the climate strategy in the annual report has improved the company's image.


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